Craig has not only transformed my life on the floor of the gym but in every room I walk in today. Through motivational coaching and physical coaching, Craig has shaped me into the independent, driven, and finally confident woman I am. I'm endlessly thankful.
Elizabeth Harris

I love working with Body By Craig, when you're his client he's fully invested in you as long as you're invested as well! Craig has been one of my biggest fans and I'm one of his, and although we've gotten close, he still tells me what I need to hear instead of what I want to hear. Craig has been like a father and a coach to me and has been very helpful to me in accomplishing not only my fitness goals but my personal goals as well.
Mariah Payne

Craig pushed me in every way: mentally and physically. With him I achieved much more than my dream body, but a team of people urging me to always be my best in and out of pageantry.